Headquarters° Glauch Systems GmbHManaging Director: Dipl. Ing. Gunter Glauch Züchnerstrasse 1056070 Koblenz Phone: +49 (0) 261 988197 – 0Fax: +49 (0) 261 988197 – 20Email: info@glauch-systems.com Your contact persons SalesDipl. Ing. Gunter Glauch,M.Sc. Nafisseh Khaleghi and team Research & DevelopmentDr. -Ing. Ashish Pokhrel ProductionDipl. Ing. (FH) Nicole Unkelbach-Krämer Quality ControlPeter Roßbach AccountingAnita Kilbinger Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.Name *Email *MessageZustimmung *I agree with the transfer of my data to Glauch Systems GmbH. The data will be used for further contact (email, mail or call). You can find more information about data protection in our Privacy Policy.CommentSend